The Power of Perspective – 9 steps to harness it.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” —Albert Einstein

You know what they say, perspective is everything, but I suppose that depends on how you look at it! What’s certain is that there is great power in perspective.

Shifting our perspective not only changes the way we think; it can also change the way we feel and actHaving the ability to recognize, shift and change our vantage point gives us a liberating amount of control over the way we react to situations. Understanding and being able to access our perspective opens us up to more possibilities in all situations and therefore more possibility in life.

Having perspective gives us choices. When we realize different perspectives, we can see more clearly, have more compassion, be more understanding, enjoy more freedom and communicate better. We’re more creative, in control of our choices and actions and, usually, more appreciative, positive, and happier.

Anyone is capable of shifting their perspective to become aware of increased possibilities. It might take some practice but the more you do it the easier and more comfortable it becomes, until it is a habit.

Here are some steps to help you get acquainted with the power of perspective.

#1 – Notice yourself.  Awareness and mindfulness are absolutely key in being able to recognize and shift your perspective. The first step is to notice where you are now. What are you doing, how are you feeling and what exactly ARE you thinking? It’s pretty hard to change your mindset if you aren’t really even aware that you have one. So practice being mindful about what you are thinking and the way in which you are looking at things. Once you know what/how you are thinking and can see your current perspective then you can start opening up to new and different ones.

#2 – Take control.  You have the power to change your own mind. Know this. Your thoughts are 100% completely up to you. Yes, things happen outside of you that you may have a reaction to and your past history creates patterns and habits which influence the way that you react to things, but the bottom line is you are still the one making the choices about what to think. Remind yourself, often, that it is your call. You have the ability to make your own choices. It may be challenging at first, but the more you own this truth the easier it will become to recognize that what you decide to think is up to you, not dictated by circumstance.

#3 – See the bigger picture.  Look around you. Connect to everything that is happening. Pull back from whatever you may be focusing on so intently and recognize it ALL – all of the sights, the sounds, the feelings, every detail.  There is so much to consider. Widening and broadening your vision will help you see things you may not have noticed. Imagine yourself as a wide angle lens and literally zoom out. What do you see in the periphery of your vision? What else is there that you weren’t seeing before? Can you see the whole picture? What else might you know to be there that you can’t see with your eyes? There is always more.

#4 – Be open.  It’s very hard to see new perspectives if you aren’t open. When we’re rigid and stuck in our ways, we have a much harder time seeing the possibilities and more than likely we aren’t looking for them either. Be open. Open your mind, open your heart, open to possibility. Let go of preconceived ideas and be open to what’s happening now. When we soften our strict expectations and ideas about how we think things “should” be, a whole world of possibilities (and perspective) opens up to us.

#5 Recognize the opposite.  A really quick way to see another perspective is to recognize the opposite of whatever you are seeing, thinking or experiencing. There is duality in everything. The more that we can remember this and approach life recognizing both sides of the coin, the more access we have to greater perspective. For example, say you stub your toe really hard – it hurts!  Instead of focusing on negative aspects of the pain and being upset that you’ve stubbed your toe, recognize that you HAVE a toe to stub and be grateful for your body and its ability to send signals to your brain. Becoming aware of the opposite of a thought or situation will help you access much broader perspectives.

#6 Let go of judgement.  Sometimes it’s hard to embrace a new perspective because we’ve gotten in the habit of allowing our judgements to control us. Judgement is a valid practice – we are used to assessing our situations and forming opinions based on previous experiences – but when we allow judgement to take the wheel, we are letting go of a lot of control and opportunity. The problem with judgements is that they often result in an instant decision without clearly paying attention to the whole picture of what is actually happening in this particular instance.  Judgements are formed from past experiences and future fears, not present truth. Be discerning, but let go of judgement. Judgement only gets in the way of being able to consider other perspectives. When we are able to get curious and exploratory, then we allow new discoveries to present themselves. Letting go of our opinions doesn’t mean we might not decide in the end to make a decision based on previous experience, but it gives us the freedom to see different angles and maybe even find better ones.

#7 – Connect with compassion.  Compassion is thinking of others and caring about what they might be experiencing. In any situation, when we connect to our compassion for others (and ourselves) it shifts our perspective and infuses it with love and consideration. Compassion reminds us to consider what others in a situation are going through and helps us remember that we want everyone to prosper. It pulls us back to see the bigger picture of everyone involved and aligns us with our core values.

#8 – Imagine.  Using your imagination is an amazing way to remember perspective. When we use our imaginations, we are more creative in our thinking and more open to the infinite possibilities around us. In fact, we are masters at dreaming up new ways of thinking and being. When you find yourself in a situation where you feel you might need a perspective change, tap into your imagination, get creative and open to the possibilities.

#9 – Practice.  Shifting perspective is a skill and all skills require practice. An excellent way to practice playing with perspective is to meditate. Meditation quiets the mind and allows us to think more clearly, to be more open and to align with our Authentic Selves. As a concentration effort, meditation helps us master both focusing and shifting focus. Through meditation, we are able to practice seeing into and understanding our own minds. When we can see into our own mind, we have the ability to recognize our thoughts and perspectives. We can connect with our own quiet inner wisdom, often offers another perspective.

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  • Thank you so much for these emails. I have been receiving them for a few years, and they are always full of amazing information, stories and horses, of course. I appreciate you.

    • You’re very welcome – we’re so glad that you find value in them.