“The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments”. – Wayne Dyer.
When consciously set, intentions provide a powerful anchor that helps us to remember who we are, our goals & desires, and what’s most important to us. They connect us to our authentic selves and act as a guiding force for our thoughts and actions. Setting intentions and committing to them are powerful tools for self-growth, positive change, and joyful, purposeful living.
Are you truly aligned with your intention? Often we “think” we have set an intention but it is really a “should.” Or it may be something we think we want to cultivate, but actually have mixed feelings about. Thinking about something we want is not the same as setting an intention. Manifesting intention is about more than just thinking, it requires a purposeful integration of mind, body, and spirit.

#2: Sit still & check in – Now that you’ve quieted your mind and cleared some internal space sit still for a few minutes and check in with yourself. What do you notice about yourself? How are you doing – Right now? Lately? Overall in your life? Is there anything you’d like to change? What would you like more of in your life? What do you like about the way it is now? Allow your authentic desires to surface and try not to judge them. Whatever you come up with is correct – there is no right or wrong way to feel.
#3: Form your intention – What do you ultimately want to manifest? It could be a single word – love, joy, freedom, peace, abundance, fearlessness, trust. It could be a more specific action, such as: be more honest, let go of perfection, or forgive myself when I make mistakes. Your intention may be very obvious to you and come to you right away or it may some time to emerge. Whatever it is, it should resonate with you on a deep, gut level.
#4: Clarify & crystallize it – A clear intention will be easier to connect to as you move through your daily life and will support you in your efforts moving forward. A strong intention is in the affirmative: “I am open & receptive to all good & positivity” rather than “I don’t want to be negative & focus on bad stuff”. When setting your intention avoid using the word “want” as this distracts from the root intention and may result in more “wanting”. Instead, set your intention as if you already ARE or HAVE what it is you desire: “I am abundant” rather than “I want abundance”, “I let go of the past” rather than “I want to let go of the past.” Lastly, although you want the intention to be very specific to what you would like to call forward in your life, allow it to be broad enough that you are not limiting any possibilities. Rather than choosing a specific goal “I am a successful writer”, get to the source of what that goal will bring forth and create the intention for that “I am a success”. For ex: if you have a very specific desire: “I want to buy a house” think about how accomplishing this goal will serve you or what it bring to you – Security? Belonging? Then, set your intention for the thing which you desire ultimately rather than the specific situation you think will bring that thing to you, for ex: “I am safe and secure”. Now that you have your intention, repeat it to yourself – is it clear? Do you understand it? Is it succinct & easy for you to remember? Is it positive?
#5: Use it! Write your intention(s) down or commit them to memory! It is imperative that you REMEMBER your intention so that you can call upon it during times of stress or confusion. Remind yourself of your intention several times a day – It could be once in the morning & once at night or it could be every five minutes. The more you check in and connect with your intention, the more powerful it will be and the stronger you will become at sticking to it and gaining control over your own thoughts & actions. Release your expectations about the future and put your focus on your present actions, keeping them in line with your intention and open to the possibility of unchartered outcomes.
#6: Repeat, adjust as needed – Just as we are forever growing and evolving, so are our intentions! Check back in with yourself often – starting this process all over again to see if things have shifted & changed for you. You may want to set a new intention or adjust the one you already have or maybe you want to keep going on the path you’ve set. Whatever you decide to do, let your intentions be your guide!