Find your Heart, Find your Wisdom. A Guide to being Heart Centered.

“There is an ocean of infinite wisdom in you. Put your hand on your heart and feel it beating.” – Jennifer Williamson

Sometimes changes happen in our life that we don’t expect and we have no choice but to shift the direction that we were headed. The pandemic is a great example of how circumstances can create a break in our “normal” lives and we are forced to slow down and take a beat. Big shifts like the death of a loved one, a change in employment or relationship status or an illness, can throw us for a loop, slowing down our usual pace of “progress” and forward motion. Times like these can be frightening, but they can also be an opportunity.  An opportunity to embrace the […]

Horse Wisdom – Wise Heart, Wise Mind.

When we are able to activate our minds to notice and acknowledge our thoughts and feelings in the present moment, rather disconnecting from them or reactively letting thoughts and feelings control our behavior, we are operating from a “wise mind”*.

A “wise mind” state enables us to tune into our intuition; to hear our inner voice and use broader insight to see the larger picture in play.

Our work with Angelika** demonstrates how connecting to and becoming centered in our hearts can help us access our “wise mind” and act accordingly. When she came to Stand InBalance, Angelika was was struggling with isolation and motivation in her life. She suffered from a deep phobia which often confined her to her room. Once there, she felt safe and […]

11 Tips for Finding Focus

Attention is the most powerful tool of the human spirit.” – Linda Stone

Where IS your focus? Often we aren’t even aware of what we are focusing on, if we are focused on anything at all. Have you ever noticed that your attention is on so many different things at the same time that you are simply NOT focused? Being focused is a choice — we have to choose where we want to put our attention to accomplish a specific task or endeavor.  However, sometimes, even when (or especially when) we are trying to focus on something specific, we find ourselves struggling to stay on point.

When we are focused it can feel like magic. Things seem to flow much easier. We are clear, aware, awake, alive! Everything clicks […]

Horse Wisdom – Focus

Horses are masters at focus, as prey animals, their lives depend on it. Their instincts are very keen about where they are directing their focus and intention. Sometimes it’s about finding water or food. Sometimes it’s about sensing danger or fleeing from it. Whatever their focus may be, you can bet that once they’ve chosen it, their actions and intentions are aligned. They don’t waste energy thinking or over-analyzing a situation. They are present. They aren’t attempting to do too many things at once, just the most important: “What is my goal?” and “What is happening right now around me.” There’s no room for excess thought or action.

When intensely focused on something, horses also remain aware of their environment, for safety reasons. In contrast, once we […]

Horse Wisdom – Keeping it Simple

One of the things we love about working with Equines is that they consistently remind us humans to keep things simple!  They help us get out of our busy minds and into the present moment. 

In a recent round pen session, John* was struggling to make a connection with one of our more challenging horses.  John entered the round pen stating that he “was going to figure out how to connect!” This bold declaration was an indication that John was already coming into the situation stuck in his thoughts and attached to his expectations, complicating the relationship before it even had a chance to begin.

In response to this, the horse vehemently objected to John’s attempts to touch him. As he continued to try to solve “the problem”, John became more […]