Horse Wisdom – Wise Heart, Wise Mind.

When we are able to activate our minds to notice and acknowledge our thoughts and feelings in the present moment, rather disconnecting from them or reactively letting thoughts and feelings control our behavior, we are operating from a “wise mind”*.

A “wise mind” state enables us to tune into our intuition; to hear our inner voice and use broader insight to see the larger picture in play.

Our work with Angelika** demonstrates how connecting to and becoming centered in our hearts can help us access our “wise mind” and act accordingly. When she came to Stand InBalance, Angelika was was struggling with isolation and motivation in her life. She suffered from a deep phobia which often confined her to her room. Once there, she felt safe and secure but also alone. She saw that her life was becoming more limited and her fears continued to grow. She felt exhausted and began to lack motivation for life.

On her first day with the equines, Angelika was overcome with fear and emotion. After spending some time just observing the equines, she chose our golden pony and named him “Sol” which means the sun in Spanish. “Sol” likes to hang out in the shade (ironic enough) over by his stall, his friends and the water trough.

Angelika was asked to start by introducing herself to “Sol”.  Taking deep breaths, Angelika approached “Sol” slowly and trepidatiously, trying not to allow her fear to overtake her. When she got close enough to reach out her hand, Angelika stopped, as if frozen. We encouraged her to take a breath and check in with her heart. To ask herself “did she want to connect with Sol?” and “why?”.

Angelika shared that she wanted to connect with “Sol”, because he was beautiful and she wanted to be able to connect with the things she cares about again, rather than letting her fear take over. This realization gave Angelika renewed energy and she decided she wanted to take Sol for a walk. She got a lead rope off of the fence and connected it to Sol’s bridle.

Angelika then tried to get him to walk with her; however, “Sol” remained where he was and didn’t even lift his head. She tried a little harder to lead him away from his comfortable shady spot. This time, he acknowledged her efforts, but his feet were firmly planted and didn’t move an inch. We asked Angelika where wanted to go and she replied “around somewhere over there”. We encouraged her to choose a specific spot and get a little more focused on where or what she wanted to go towards but he.. was.. stuck.

We asked Angelika about where she gets stuck, she laughed and said “In my room! It’s hard to go outside sometimes, to get out of my room. I wouldn’t want to leave this shady spot either!” We encouraged Angelika to think about what helps her to want to “go out”. She said wanting to be a better human for her dog. She stated “He’s the one thing that forces me to go outside even when I don’t want to (to go on walks)…. I love him and he keeps me wanting to be a better person.” With that “Sol” took a step toward her. She looked around and said “Sol’s” shady spot next to water and his friends reminded her of her room – where she feels safe, but where she can also get very stuck — which isn’t good for her or her dog.

As we continued to help Angelika find what she needed to move forward with “Sol” and in her life, we asked her to take a moment to close her eyes and take a deep breath and to check in with her heart. What did she feel like she needed to be able to do this for herself and her dog? Angelika opened her eyes and replied “courage”, she took up the lead rope and with that she and “Sol” started walking.

Angelika was literally beaming. The pair walked to several areas around the arena. When they got close to the shady spot “Sol” tried to take her back to “her room” and almost did, but Angelica stayed focused on her heart centered intention of “having courage” and got him to keep moving forward. Success!

As we discussed her time in the arena, Angelika talked about working on her courage so that she and her beloved dog could both live their best lives. Connecting with her wise mind by grounding herself and asking her heart what it wanted enabled Angelika to move through her fear and doubt. Once she started moving with heart centeredness, taking a walk in the sun was easy.

*Linehan, 1993

**All names and identifying information have been changed

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