It’s a part of modern human nature that our minds tend to move quickly, sometimes faster than we can even keep up with. Have you ever noticed yourself rushing through a task just to get to the end of it, instead of being present in the experience? It’s easy to get swept up in thoughts and actions without noticing those around us or what our own heart, mind and/ or gut might be trying to tell us.

Effective, relational connection with horses and donkeys requires that we approach slowly and mindfully rather than automatically grabbing and petting them or jumping onto their backs. For the majority of equines, if we don’t respect the time it takes to connect, we run the risk of being bit or bucked off.
Taking things slow, in our relationships with equines, or otherwise, means taking the time to get curious. Asking a question and then waiting for the answer. When there’s a new horse being introduced to a herd, it takes time for the herd to do their due process. Conversations around who is the leader and how the new horse responds to that leadership can take days, sometimes weeks. The herd as a whole won’t immediately rush to accept a new member nor do they immediately reject them.
One of the biggest lessons horses teach us is the value of slowing down and actually processing the information that’s coming to us. For instance, looking for subtle clues in a horse’s behavior in order to know how that horse is feeling. If I approach too fast or ignore an equine’s cues about their level of comfort and safety then it’s MUCH harder, if not impossible, to form a relationship built on trust and respect. If I treat my life in this same rushed way, then it’s pretty difficult to honor my own intuition and internal wisdom. If I’m not stopping to give myself a chance to check in with my own comfort and safety levels before acting, how can I trust that I’m doing what’s best for me?
When we slow down and take our time, we can get curious and be mindful and present in our experience. Taking the time it takes to connect not only horses, but also with ourselves, others, this moment and our present experience cultivates a sense of peace and clarity both in our inner and our outer world.