Horse Wisdom – Love and Clarity

Marla’s* work with our big bay gelding, whom she named “Jim*” (because he reminded her of her husband), is a perfect example of bringing love and clarity together. 

Marla was annoyed at “Jim’s” intrusive and demanding attempts to get affection.  He continually pushed his big body into her and tried to nibble on her jacket.  In response, Marla would either get frustrated and walk away or ask him to move…but when he didn’t actually move away she’d start petting him.  She was afraid that he would be hurt and angry if she really asked him to move.

As you can imagine, “Jim” was often confused and frustrated, he figured that the best way to get some affection from Marla was to keep bugging her until she gave in. Recognizing how often this dynamic played out at home and her role in it was a big eye opener for Marla.  Marla realized that when she connected with her feelings of love for her husband she could see his needs more clearly and was less afraid of his reaction. Instead continuing to send mixed messages based on her fears, Marla learned how to clearly and lovingly assert her boundaries with both “Jim” the horse and Jim her husband.  By leading with love, Marla and Jim got to experience even more love – Jim felt seen and understood and in turn was able to more clearly understand Marla’s needs as well.

*All names and identifying information have been changed

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