Horse Wisdom – Embracing Change

Change isn’t always easy. Even a change for the good can be difficult. One of the benefits of working with equines is being able to witness their behavior shift and change as the human working with them shifts and changes. It could be the littlest thing like a sigh or a big bolt of energy, or something as simple as a walk.

April* came to Stand InBalance because she felt stuck in her life and was falling into a deep depression. She had moved away from a town she loved dearly in order to pursue her career. While she knew it was the right decision, she felt lost and was not as happy in her life as she had been before the move.

After meeting the 4-leggeds, April* felt particularly drawn to a one horse in particular and chose him to go on a walk with her. She said she chose him because he was “friendly, nudged her a little, put his head up to her heart and clearly wanted her to choose him”.  April grabbed a halter and a rope and connected up. They took not more than 2 steps and the horse stopped dead in his tracks. No matter how hard she pulled he would not move. When asked what was happening, she threw her hands up in the air in frustration and said “ I know how he feels about not wanting to move!” Just as she said it the horse took a step towards her. This seemed a good sign, so with renewed effort, she tried again and again he took a step forward but then stopped.

This stop-and-go walk continued for some time which was challenging for April. She said the horse kept reminding her not only of her own stubbornness and the challenges of moving to a new city, but the interaction was ultimately really annoying. As April was attempting to lead the horse to her destination, she didn’t notice that there had been a donkey following them. When asked if there was anything April needed or wanted she exclaimed in exasperation “A new life!” — the donkey took a step closer and she noticed him.

April laughed and joked about giving up on the horse and starting over with the donkey. We reminded her that she can make any decisions she wants in the “arena of life”.  She took a look at her options — “I had no idea that the donkey was even around until now.”  She had been so focused on getting stuck and frustrated with the horse that she lost sight of other possibilities.  April decided to make the switch and try walking a donkey instead. Sure enough, she and the donkey walked all over that arena.

April was elated and then it became clear to her. The horse embodied her struggle with the changes that go along with moving to a new city. The more she got wrapped up in that particular struggle the more she realized she was still holding onto her past and doubting decision to move. She had forgotten that her career has always been her compass for change and that this was something she believed in. When April realized that the donkey had been with her the whole time, she saw him as a reminder of what was important to her. By embracing her donkey and the changes she chose to make, she felt confident about her decision and the path that her career was leading her down. This realization and shift in perception, thanks to the help of the equines has made all of the difference.

*All names & identifying information have been changed.

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