Horse Wisdom – Forgiveness

Horses are amazing teachers about accepting reality, staying in the present moment, and moving forward.

Personal Growth and DevelopmentMark* came to Stand InBalance after a painful divorce that left him bitter, lonely, and lost.  He was immediately drawn to a horse that he thought would be “easy” to work with.  As the session unfolded, Mark found himself struggling to get the horse to like him and partner with him in the activities.  As Mark became more frustrated and resentful he realized that the horse reminded him of “Nancy,” his ex-wife.  The more frustrated he became the more difficult the interaction.  After 30 minutes, Mark and “Nancy” found a nice, cooperative, rhythm together.  However, this was quickly undone as “Nancy” started pulling him off course toward another horse in the arena.  Mark’s irritation began to mount.  Finally, Mark decided to “let go.”  This was a huge turning point for him.  His whole energy shifted as he released the power struggle he had been in – not only with Nancy, but with his own ego.  Mark’s entire body softened and he was visibly calmer.  As we processed the session, Mark remarked that hanging onto the horse was like hanging on to his ex-wife and all this anger and resentment he had been storing up about how she unilaterally ended the marriage.  He realized that letting go wasn’t about losing – it was about freeing himself.

*all names and identifying information have been changed.

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