What makes an Empowered Woman?

“Women’s empowerment means stronger communities and stronger economies. It means an entire population will flourish – not just one segment.” – Marissa Sandler

It has become increasingly evident that the more balanced a society is the more successful and harmonious it is. The effort to re-empower women has a long history and is boldly evident today. Women’s empowerment doesn’t just benefit women, it benefits the entire human race.

When people are empowered, they are able to contribute their best to the rest of the world.  Being empowered isn’t just about social equality, although that’s a huge part of it. It’s also about personal empowerment. Looking around us and recognizing those who have been empowered can help us find that strength and power within ourselves.

What does an empowered woman look like?  Read on for 7 traits of an empowered woman. 

An empowered woman…

Honors her Femininity –  The feminine traits of compassion, forgiveness, openness, unity, allowing (and more) are incredibly necessary for success as both an individual and as a society.  There is a still a societal misconception that in order to be powerful one must exude masculine traits. This is not so. True power comes with the balance of masculine and feminine energies.  An empowered woman embraces her feminine traits along with any masculine traits. Respecting and honoring every part of ourselves, both feminine and masculine, is the way of an empowered being.

Speaks her mind – It is important that women speak their truths.  Many women have been taught, whether consciously or unconsciously, that it is un-supportive and un-feminine to share their thoughts and ideas, especially if those ideas contradict or “threaten” others in the room. Even more so if those others are the men in their lives … and especially if they are men who love and support them. This false belief is helpful to no one, neither men nor women. The feminine point of view is an important and integral part of balance in society. There is no loss of femininity in expressing one’s thoughts, opinions or ideas honestly.  Empowered people not only share their points of view with honesty, but listen to and welcome the ideas of others with respect and a collaborative desire to understand.  Empowered women know the importance of weighing in and joining the conversation. Empowered men welcome their contributions.

“Women are still in emotional bondage as long as we need to worry that we might have to make a choice between being heard and being loved.” ― Marianne Williamson, A Woman’s Worth

Leads with Love – It’s a common misconception that a woman needs to “fight” in order to gain a place of respect, power, or leadership. Although, it may take a good deal of strength to overcome adversity, engaging in combat is not necessary nor is it the way to true empowerment. An empowered woman knows that leading with love is the key to tapping into the strongest source of power.  Great leaders give us something that transcends the ordinary and the practical – they engage us on a deeper, emotional level.  They speak to our best self and make us want to give of that self.  Empowered people use LOVE as their motivation to lead and they incorporate the many facets of love – including compassion, patience, empathy and self-love into their action.

Finds Balance  – Balance plays a key role in tapping into one’s natural source of power. Understanding the principles of Yin & Yang is incredibly helpful in finding balance. Feminine Yin, and masculine Yang, energies not only make up the world as we know it but lie within us as well. We each carry our own Yin and Yang energies. We naturally tend to lean towards one energy more than the other, but the balance is constantly shifting & changing.  Learning about what constitutes these two energies and where you are naturally drawn will give you valuable information and insight into the various aspects that need balancing and their opposites.  Click here to learn more.

Knows she is worthy – In order for anyone to find real empowerment, they must first know and believe that they are worthy. Worthiness is not something that is earned, it’s something that each and everyone one of us is born with. We are worthy of happiness. We are worthy of our emotions, our thoughts and our desires. It is our right to be ourselves in our full glory and to live our lives to our full potential with truth, peace and abundance. The empowered woman not only knows she is equal to any man, she knows all human beings are equal regardless of gender.  No person’s value is more or less than another’s. None of us are “special”, but all of us are special.

Connects with Compassion – The feminine traits of nurturing, compassion & empathy are not a hindrance to the empowered woman. In fact, in these traits great strength and direction can be found. When a woman allows her heart to lead she is embracing her instinctual wisdom. Compassion is a powerful tool, one from which many benefits to both the giver and the receiver can be tallied. Connecting with compassion is an excellent way to tap into a source of power lying within us all and to empower others as well.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” –Dalai Lama

Is Authentic  – The Empowered woman is herself, there is no need to pretend to be anyone else! Respecting and honoring every part of ourselves, whether feminine or masculine, is the path to authenticity. In our authenticity lies our greatest strength and influence. Authentic people are more influential and are able to forge deeper connections with others. When we are our authentic selves, we are not wasting energy trying to be something we are not or worrying about “what others think”.  This leaves more space and energy for effecting real change and real results in the here and now.

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