6 Steps to Self-Care

“Self-care is not selfish. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” -Eleanor Brown

Have you found yourself struggling to keep up with the rush of the world around you? Are you stretched thin by work and family or drained by your personal goals and endeavors.  In the overwhelm of modern life, it can be easy to forget how important it is to take care of ourselves.

horse-1012697_960_720Think about the lead mare.  If you watch a herd of horses, you may not notice the lead mare right away.  She usually isn’t very flashy, she doesn’t micro-manage, and she is often the one quietly eating or observing. Because she is responsible for the safety […]

Be “Present” for the Holiday Season – Tips from the Herd!

dashing through the snowThe holiday season is notorious for adding a little extra stress into our lives. Rushing about, traveling, harsh weather conditions and pressure to meet expectations can pull us into a frenzy! Learning how to be present during harried times can help us stay grounded, connected and calmer.  When we’re not being present, we become out of touch with our authentic selves, the world around us, and the moment we are in. Finding a sense of presence brings you back to the moment and back in alignment.


At Stand InBalance, our HERD members are experts at being present! Here’s what they had to say about how to stay present in the moment:

Condina: WHOA! Be sure you take time to stop, breathe, and take in your surroundings. This will help […]

Equine “Truth Detectors”

We are truly blessed to have 9 wonderful equine co-facilitators here at Stand InBalance.  As sentient “truth detectors” they help us humans connect with the deepest parts of ourselves — particularly those aspects that have been silenced and denied.  Lynn* (22 y.o.) was referred by her therapist for adjunctive help with self-harm behaviors.  Her outgoing, “cheery” facade belied the depth of her pain and self-loathing.  Following a sexual assault at age 19, Lynn started using self-harm as way to cope with the unmanageable aftermath.

In her second session, Lynn created an obstacle course that represented her current challenges and chose a low pole jump to represent her self-harm behaviors. She was adamant about wanting to “get over” them.  Lynn and her horse had been walking around the arena without any difficulty for most of the session. […]

5 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in the Workplace

gratitudeAccording to a survey of 2,000 Americans, people are less likely to feel or express gratitude at work than anyplace else, despite the fact that 93% agreed that grateful bosses are more likely to succeed, and most reported that hearing “thank you” at work made them feel good and motivated.  A paycheck is only one of the motivations we bring to work. We don’t just work for money. We also work for respect, a sense of accomplishment, a feeling of purpose, and more. Gratitude is a non-monetary way to support those non-monetary motivations. “Thank you” doesn’t cost a dime, and it has measurable benefits. Building a culture of gratitude at work may not be easy, but it is worth it. Here are five research-tested tips for fostering gratitude on the job:   #1 – Start at the top: This is one of the clearest takeaways from research into workplace […]

11 Benefits of Gratitude – Reasons to be grateful all year long!

As the Thanksgiving holidays approach, GRATITUDE moves closer to the forefront of our minds.  Being thankful has so many benefits – here are 11 that we hope will encourage you to stay grateful all year long!


#1 – Brings you to the present moment: Being present helps you connect with your authentic self, which makes decision making easier, reduces anxiety and increases clarity and awareness of self & others.

#2 – Shifts your perspective/focus: Feeling grouchy?  Actively think about what you’re grateful for, make a list on paper or in your head. Doing this will help shift you out of your “down” mode and into thinking about what you DO have to be thankful for!

CooperHandHolding#3 – Reduces stress: […]