Self-Care in the Workplace

DeathtoStock_Wired7Most people think of self-care as something you do before or after work.  But considering how many hours we spend at work, our well-being and the health of our relationships require that we also practice professional self-care.  This is important at all levels of business and studies have shown that when leaders practice and promote health, authenticity and self-care there is a positive impact on the bottom line.
The effects are cumulative, so one small change, such as actually taking a relaxing lunch break, creates positive momentum.  Read on for 7 steps to better self-care at work.
 This starter list, created by Dana Gionta, Ph.D., of 7 recommended steps to better self-care at work can be applied in any order:
#1. Set and maintain professional boundaries.  This includes respectfully setting limits about your responsibilities and overtime.
#2. Balance your work schedule and life demands so no one day or one week is too much.
#3. Make time throughout the work day for intermittent self-care breaks (i.e. lunch or afternoon walk; social time with co-workers; listen to relaxing music).
#4. Create a healthy work space for yourself.
#5. Develop a short list (2-3 items) of top priorities each day.
#6. Minimize procrastination and maximize a sense of control.
#7. Before committing to a project, assignment or committee position etc., first consider your needs and available resources, and whether it will lead to overextending yourself – a sure way to compromise your self-care.
For Leaders and managers – Inspire wellness in your workplace through Heart-Centered Leadership.
If you are finding it hard to care for yourself personally or professionally check in with those you trust about realistic expectations or hire a consultant / therapist to help you break free from limiting beliefs and unhealthy patterns.


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