Intentional Compassion in the Workplace

Studies show that compassion in the workplace has numerous benefits, among them are employee retention, decreased stress and improved health. Any endeavor to create change starts with setting a clear intention.  Setting the intention to bring compassion into the workplace and setting the tone for a compassionate environment (cheerful greetings, thoughtful acts) is the first step.  The second is helping people become aware of how they respond to stress and threat in social and work situations.  The Strengths Deployment Inventory is a powerful tool that we use to help people understand the motives and values that drive their own and others behavior, which in turn increases compassion.  This understanding combined with interactive training, enables individuals to lead with clarity and empathy, build stronger teams, and more effectively navigate conflict.  


Another method for […]

The Power of Intention

“The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments”. – Wayne Dyer.

intentional horseWhen consciously set, intentions provide a powerful anchor that helps us to remember who we are, our goals & desires, and what’s most important to us. They connect us to our authentic selves and act as a guiding force for our thoughts and actions. Setting intentions and committing to them are powerful tools for self-growth, positive change, and joyful, purposeful living.

Are you truly aligned with your intention?  Often we “think” we have set an intention but it is really a “should.”  Or it may be something we think we want to cultivate, but actually have mixed […]

How horses can teach us compassion

Similar to human relationships, successful relating with horses requires compassion, patience, kindness, and clarity. Not only can we increase our capacity for compassion by caring for them, we can develop a deeper, more loving connection with ourselves through their love and acceptance of us. Tom’s* experience is a moving reminder of their powerful ability to help us heal.  As soon as Tom* walked into the round pen, the light bay horse moved away. Each time Tom took a step towards him, the bay pinned back his ears and tossed his head — “get away, I don’t trust you, don’t touch me!”  As a veteran with PTSD, Tom came to Stand InBalance because he had been struggling to re-connect with his family.  He was torn between wanting to find a way to break free from his self-imposed guilt and isolation and the strong belief that he was morally bad and deserved the physical and emotional wounds he carried. Read More

Compassion – pass it on!

“Compassion is the greatest form of love humans have to offer.” ~ Rachel Joy Scott

compassionate momentCompassion is the act of opening our hearts to others, acting out of kindness, understanding, and a desire to do something positive for another. Most would agree that compassion is an important quality to have.  Yet, during the daily struggle of stresses and disappointments, it can be easy to forget just how important it is.  Compassion is a simple and potent gift we always have the power to give – we need only choose to do so. Giving, helping, caring and listening are common ways to express compassion. Other more subtle acts of compassion are receiving, acknowledging, appreciating, sharing, considering and including. Compassion has many benefits, 5 of them are below along with some tips to […]

Self-Care in the Workplace

DeathtoStock_Wired7Most people think of self-care as something you do before or after work.  But considering how many hours we spend at work, our well-being and the health of our relationships require that we also practice professional self-care.  This is important at all levels of business and studies have shown that when leaders practice and promote health, authenticity and self-care there is a positive impact on the bottom line. The effects are cumulative, so one small change, such as actually taking a relaxing lunch break, creates positive momentum.  Read on for 7 steps to better self-care at work.    This starter list, created by Dana Gionta, Ph.D., of 7 recommended steps to better self-care at work can be applied in any order:   #1. Set and maintain professional boundaries.  This includes respectfully setting […]