9 Roads to Receptivity. How to be receptive and why it’s good for us.

“Through openness and receptivity on the part of human consciousness, spirit is allow to infuse our lives, to give them meaning and direction.” – Marianne Williamson

What is Receptivity and why is it good for us?

Receptivity is a state of mind and consciousness. When we are receptive we are open, aware, awake and actively receiving what life has to offer us.  We are in flow, we are in balance. We are both open and focused, surrendered and engaged.

Without receptivity, we often feel stuck and frustrated or even hopeless, anxious or overwhelmed. We tend to align ourselves with lack – the idea that there isn’t enough, there isn’t a way, not enough time, not enough money, not enough of whatever it is you think you need.  “No” seems to be […]

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