Success Stories
“At Stand InBalance, I was able to access the power and intuition that is within myself from a gentle and authentic place. I learned to find a connection through being grounded. I encourage anyone to please check this out!”
“The couples retreat went above and beyond my expectations. The experience was a great way to revisit the connection we make as a couple, and strengthen it.”
Chrysta, Marriage Family Therapy Intern
“You will learn more about yourself in one day than in months of soul-searching through other methods.”
Ronaye, Clinical Psychologist
“My time at Stand InBalance was an incredible experience but the truth is its very hard to put into words, you really have to experience it for yourself!”
Sandra, Television Producer
“The subtle challenges and the hands on tasks with the horses were surprisingly reflective. The retreat helped me learn to stay grounded (non-reactive) and to focus on the process in lieu of the task or end goal. I will recommend this experience to others daily!”
Amy, Chef
“I don't know whether to say thank you or [!*$*#] you. My mom came back from this retreat a totally different person. Now when she says something she means it and sticks to it. Hate to say it but before she was a total pushover - you could just walk all over her - not any more! Thanks.”
Sara, College Student
“The team building retreat was an incredible experience. The use of horses as an insight to personal behavior is a powerful tool. The team is very well trained and guided us well. I will be able to use what I have learned back in the work place and be more aware of how I interact with my colleagues.”
Michael, Chief Science Officer
“My experience at Stand InBalance was eye opening and uncovered strengths as well as weaknesses. I learned calm assertiveness and how to carry with me the feeling of being aligned.”
Andy, Liberal Studies Program Coordinator
“The professional staff at Stand InBalance are great – they are experts in their field and holistic in their approach. They provide a great opportunity to draw lessons from experiential activities in a unique way.”
Mary, Director, Office of International Student Services
“I cannot wait to inform others about what an excellent experience this was. The first team building retreat I actually feel I got great knowledge from! I was delighted to be in the beautiful great outdoors and extremely delighted to get to work with horses! I gained insights on how to be more assertive in certain situations and on how to empathize in others. I will definitely apply what I’ve learned when dealing with my supervisor!”
Brenda, Administrative Assistant
“If you have the opportunity for an experience at Stand InBalance I say “Do it!!” My experience was powerful personally, but also for my clients who joined me on the retreat day. It was amazing to see them experience and embody their lessons and opportunities. Things we’ve been working on for months shifted right then and there! Thank you - I’ll be back!”
Amber, Professional Coach
“Working with Stand InBalance not only reduced my fear of horses, but also the fears I carry without a horse in sight. The treatment team hosted the sessions with insight and patience. I recommend them highly for anyone seeking solutions to those nagging questions.”
Megan, Corporate Executive
“The InBalance Ranch is a great environment to learn about yourself. A peaceful place to be while having the opportunity to open up a treasure box full of insights.”
Molly, Human Resources

“From the experiences at Stand InBalance I have built confidence in myself and learned the power of trust. All I have learned at the ranch I can apply to my life. I think everyone should do this.”
Andie, Student
“At the Stand InBalance I learned that there are golden nuggets in the fear I often feel, and that it is important to stop and pay attention when the fear hits. I always know I am going to leave here with a nugget that I will apply immediately to my life and continue to grow into.”
Becky, Life Coach
“My experience at Stand InBalance helped me to learn how to calm myself and focus on the here and now. I realized in myself that I have the tools – even when I feel like I don’t!”
Jennifer, Grad Student
“At Stand InBalance I was able to reduce my fear by just being near the horses. I felt more relaxed if I just trusted myself to do what felt right, and I learned I don't have to be perfect.”
Anna, School Teacher
“By spending time with the horses, and having the Stand InBalance team help reflect the dynamic taking place I learned a great deal about myself. I felt more connected and strong in myself and in my relationship with others. Most importantly I learned that I am OK and good enough the way I am. These lessons exceeded my expectations of what the experience would be like, and I will apply them in my life.”
April, Marriage Family Therapy Intern
“As a person who lives and works ‘in my head’, Stand InBalance provided an incredibly unique and caring environment in which I could step out of my everyday life and get back in touch with the feeling of being connected to and of trusting the wisdom that my body holds. And, of course, sharing space with their four legged friends was a fantastic way to spend a morning!”
Kristine, Change Strategist
“I came to Stand InBalance because I struggle with healthy boundaries in relationships and want to really hone in on how to strengthen my boundaries in a healthy manner, protect and take care of myself. The experience I had was so much more helpful, being in an environment where I am actually “doing” the work and not just talking about it like in traditional therapy. I worked on how to be more direct without fearing how others are going to react and to choose healthier situations when someone isn’t heeding my needs. I am so grateful for the incredible facilitators at Stand InBalance.”
Nancy, stunt woman
“There is no better way of learning who you are & getting instant feedback than this!”
Valeri, Global Production Manager
“My experience taught me that I have value to the world just by being. I don’t have to be “doing” for someone else to be valuable. I was just being with the horse, and he followed my lead. It is a good investment in yourself to spend the day outside with the horses, learning about yourself and how you interact in the world.”
Julie, ESL Teacher
“If you want to get in touch with yourself and the equine family and learn the agency of empathy, then I recommend that you engage and embrace an experience at Stand InBalance!”
Michael, professor
“Today was a wonderful experience. Through connecting with the horses I began to see how my energy effects another living being.”
Trenton, Director of Testing & Sales
“I cannot convey the excitement I feel about attending the next phase of my equine experience. I have to tell you that I was able to utilize the information obtained just from that first day. I had an incident that following Saturday with my ex-husband, where normally I would have been afraid, anxious and reactive. However, when I approached the situation, I remembered that my ex was really 'Violet.' So when I communicated, I used the techniques I learned from her. Well, it was the first time in my 18 years of interaction with my ex-husband that he didn't know how to reply! All went smoothly! I thank you and especially Violet!”
Rebecca, High School Teacher
From Couples & Families
From Couples & Families
“The couples retreat was a bonding experience, which enhanced our communication. I learned that in a relationship there is a balance of giving up some control and at other times to be willing to stand your ground and set effective boundaries. It was a great and powerful day.”
Laurent, Marketing Executive

“The couple's retreat was my wife's idea and I was not sure about what the day was going to be like. The hands on horse activities were an excellent experience for us, and we learned how important teamwork is in a relationship. I would recommend this retreat to couples with or without serious problems.”
Jimmy, Broadcaster
“We are getting married in a month and we wanted to do something as a couple to make sure we are aligned and continue our communication. The Stand InBalance experience was a great way to learn new things about our relationship and ourselves. We learned how to problem solve issues in creative ways.”
Sandra, Television Producer
“We were drawn to the Couple's Retreat to renew a commitment to our marriage. I gained insight and perspective in who I am today, both individually and as a life partner. In working with the horses on tasks that seemed impossible at the time, I learned to stop and pay attention to what is going on around me, to be still and observe. I would recommend other couples come experience the joy!”
Terri, Mother/Wife
“I wanted to come back to the InBalance Ranch for the Couple's retreat to share this experience with my significant other. Working with the horses and together made me feel reconnected to my partner.”
Chrysta, Marriage Family Therapy Intern
“The Couples retreat taught me that communication is the mechanism towards trust and intimacy and that I must be committed to improving this in order to improve my relationship with my husband. The environment created by the facilitators was safe, non-judgmental and nurturing while still being very professional. This was a very unique experience that is quite memorable!”
Lisa, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
“This is an effective, non-threatening couples session. You will still be married when you leave!”
David, Architect
“I learned that connection is key between family members – maintaining integrity and communication. Equine Therapy allows a person to see themselves through non-judgmental eyes.”
Antony, Teacher
“Stand InBalance gave me an opportunity to bond with my daughter in an environment she loves. By working as a family unit, we were able to communicate with each other in a very soothing, non-threatening place.”
Mytra, Teacher
Leadership and Organizational Successes
Leadership and Organizational Successes

“The team building experience my group experienced at Stand InBalance was extremely well organized and facilitated. The connections made between our work with the horses and our work experience back in the office were very insightful and geared towards action we can take back to the workplace.”
Liz, Account Manager
"Sharing a new experience with the horses and my team of colleagues was something novel that revealed parallels and lessons in our own day to day. It raised many things to think about and highlighted the importance of conviction, confidence and team commitment for success."
Kim, Senior Research Manager
"Through my team’s experience I learned that working with animals can bring great positive organizational change – Horses are great teachers, relevant to both personal and corporate environments. I really valued the opportunity to open up about what we need to work on as a team and to work on those areas."
Trevor, Account Executive
"Connecting with our “animal counterparts” was so valuable. I feel very lucky and cared for by my company to have been able to work in this manner at SIB!"
Scott, Events Manager
"Our team left Stand InBalance feeling like anything can be achieved with the right mindset! This was a great team building experience! The content was great and I loved the format. I really appreciated the conscious effort to tie our work with the horses back to our work in the workplace. This experience helped me to realize the importance of communication and to respect the thoughts and ideas of others. I learned to trust my team to accomplish their own parts, which will help me to trust them in the office as well."
Dan, Senior Director of Sales
“I cannot wait to inform others about what an excellent experience this was. The first team building retreat I actually feel I got great knowledge from! I was delighted to be in the beautiful great outdoors and extremely delighted to get to work with horses! I gained insights on how to be more assertive in certain situations and on how to empathize in others. I will definitely apply what I’ve learned when dealing with my supervisor!”
Brenda, Administrative Assistant
“I was surprised at how the horses could teach us about our work place behaviors and attitudes. From the experiences at Stand InBalance I have built confidence in myself and learned the power of trust. The feedback from the horses was amazing and I learned how I need to stay focused and leverage my strengths to increase my sales. I’m excited to take what I learned back to work!"
Dana, Sales Representative
“I learned a great deal about my coworkers and how I interact with them. I was delighted that the experience highlighted our respective strengths. I learned that in communicating with others and leading others there is no one size fits all model. There are multiple ways to motivate and to lead. Through this experience I feel I will be more cognoscente of my approach to working with others.”
Michael, Chief Operating Officer
“I am glad I got the chance to see my team members in a non-working environment. It was incredible seeing everyone open up and have fun with each other. I feel that we built much more trust through this experience. I was surprised at how much I could relate the experience to the working environment. Through this experience I gained a better understanding of my co-workers and how they use their skills in the work place.”
Melissa , Executive Assistant
“It was great to be reassured and reminded of my strengths in regards to actions and feelings. Through my experience at Stand InBalance, I learned that I need to maintain confidence and focus on projects in and out of the office. Through walking the horses I began to see how I can utilize the open situations in front of me. I also learned that it is important to stay calm even in the midst of frustrating and difficult situations in the workplace, and that it is important to live in the now and everything else will follow. I enjoyed the entire day at the ranch!”
David, Chief Innovation Officer
“My experience at the retreat was excellent. I learned to be open, how to work as a team, and that I could be a catalyst for action.”
Christine, Corporate Professional
“I was delighted at how much my employees enjoyed the experience. I learned that I need to be more confident and trust my intuition. I also realized I need to work on observing the state of mind of the person I am interacting with and to create more opportunities for acknowledgment of my employees.”
Seth, Chief Executive Officer
“I was having difficulty with my employees. The horses taught me that it was my rigid approach that put them on the defensive. I highly recommend Stand InBalance.”
Edward, Project Manager
“I was surprised at how the horses could teach us about our work place behaviors and attitudes. The time at Stand InBalance with the horses gave us all the opportunity to see each other in action. This experience gave me time to learn more about myself. I learned that we all have things to work on with leadership, taking direction, and communication. I became aware of my own strengths and the areas that could use improvement.”
Ross, Project Coordinator
From Therapists
From Therapists
“Thank you very much for providing me with some of the greatest opportunities I've ever had at getting to know myself. Especially as a budding psychotherapist, coming into contact with both the neat and not-so-neat parts of myself is pretty critical. Never could I have imagined the wealth of information and inspiration I would leave the ranch with- insights and emotions that 5-years of my own personal therapy has yet to uncover. All of your skill, attentiveness, patience, sincerity, and warmth has made my experience of equine therapy both effective and touching.”
Michelle, Psychotherapist

“The horses mirrored for me perfectly what had been going on in my life that week. Rather than shutting down and giving up, I learned how to tap into my own personal power and strength, which helped me feel more centered and authentic. I learned that pushing myself at times can be a good thing.”
Stephanie, Psychotherapist
“I have been wanting to experience this learning model for quite some time. Being able to face my fears in this unique and helpful way has given me a new understanding of how fear has impeded my ability to assert myself in general. Also, it became clear that I sometimes try too hard to be courageous at the expense of taking care of myself. What good insights!”
Teri, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
“I tend to rationalize as a means of shutting down and cutting off from my feelings. In the workshop I felt challenged, but that is just what I asked for. I learned to be more connected with my intuition, and not to brush it aside.”
Nikki, Clinical Psychologist
“After the Stand InBalance Experience I feel I can stand taller, that I won't hurt others with my power, and that my power can be used in a constructive affirming way. I learned that I don't have to get mad or frustrated to indicate what I want, I can be clear, calm, and firm.”
Gina, Psychotherapist
“Horses are magical! Through reflection on what transpired while working with the horses and asking for feedback and reflection from the other women in the group I became aware of my own energy and that of others, and how the interplay of energy is given and received in relationships.”
Leanne, Marriage Family Therapy intern
“At Stand InBalance you learn about yourself on a myriad of levels, both your Strengths & Challenges, and you learn how to integrate what you experience into your life.”
Nancy, Clinician
“I found the visceral aspect of the experience most effective. I may know intellectually something about what I am experiencing, but it was very different experiencing it in my body.”
Molly, Clinician
At Stand InBalance, I learned ways to set boundaries with intention and not feel I won't be liked or hated. I came feeling anxious and fearful. I am leaving feeling a sense of confidence in my heart. After today's workshop I feel I have the power and energy in me, and can use them in a balanced way.”
Sheri, Marriage Family Therapy intern
The workshop taught me not to fear connection. Connect and move forward without hesitation once a goal is clearly established. Shed your inhibitions and fears, get familiar with your power and use it collaboratively.”
Raceal, MFT/Art Therapy Trainee
"My experience at Stand InBalance taught me to celebrate the result that comes in, even if it’s a little different than I originally thought. Working with the equines is a way to experientially see the patterns that limit you and open to a more supportive way of being with yourself in your life. This was so helpful to me, thank you!"
Debbie, Forgiveness Coach
"I wanted to thank you for the amazing equine therapy session your organization provided for our youth this past weekend. All clients and staff who participated are raving about the experience. I have been working in the field for several decades and honestly, I have never heard a more universally positive response to an Equine Therapy session."
Cole R., CEO, Paradigm Malibu

“Coming to Stand InBalance was a way for me to step out of my comfort zone. The workshops are a great way to expose one's tendencies and learn through interaction with others; humans, horses and donkeys.”
Adam, Human Services
“This workshop isn’t what you think it is – it’s an opportunity to acknowledge your better self, regardless of the outcome”
Debbie, V.P.
“I loved this group! The experiential work with the horses taught me so much. I learned that by slowing down and quieting myself I can more authentic choices.”
Lauren, Administrative Assistant
“The women's retreat helped me learn to be more gentle with myself and take time to acknowledge positive changes I've made instead of focusing on the negative ones.”
Carla, Registered Nurse
“Through the experience in the women's retreat I felt myself becoming more grounded, connecting to myself, and learning how to be open to vulnerability.”
Leanne, Marriage Family Therapy Intern
“Through the series of workshops I have attended at Stand InBalance I have found the courage to move forward in my life, regardless of the fear of failure.”
Elsa, Advertising Executive
“At the retreat I learned to allow myself to feel, and to not be so critical of my feelings. It was an amazing experience, and I think everyone should try it.”
Christine, Professional
“I came to Stand InBalance with the hope to learn how to stop saying ‘yes’ to situations that aren’t right for me or make me feel powerless & resentful. The hands on work with the horses & reflections afterwards, as well as learning from my experience and those of my peers, was very effective. I learned the power of having a clear intention and how to gracefully assert myself and set boundaries. I would highly recommend this workshop for anyone who feels they have the ‘disease to please’ and wants to change!”
Adrienne, Publicist
“I learned so much from the leadership workshop that I will apply to my life! Being more confident, owning my space, acknowledging successes, how to be better aware of and manage my own energy output. I encourage others to do it! There were so many lessons and insights that I didn’t expect or anticipate! ”
Brianne, Construction Project Manager
“I came to the Core-Confidence workshop at Stand InBalance looking to work on my self-worth and wanted to find tools to help with that goal. It was so valuable having the Stand InBalance facilitators share their pearls of wisdom! I really learned how to stay more grounded and to reflect inward for strength rather than outward. I highly recommend for others to take this workshop!”
Nancy, Stunt Woman
“The work at Stand InBalance is an incredibly caring and nurturing opportunity to be with equines for personal self growth. As a result of the workshop, I was reminded to slow down, be mindful and focus on intent.”
“Try it you won’t regret it! Today’s experience was amazing! I learned how to work with others and to pace myself.”
Serena, Student
This workshop was very revealing, it helped me to realize that I am capable and that I shouldn’t let obstacles interfere with my forward movement.”
Cynthia, Social Worker
"I came to the forgiveness workshop because I wanted to find freedom in the areas of my life in which I am held in bondage and I needed tools to help me forgive someone specific in my life. I got so much out of the day – the horse I worked with had exactly the personality I needed to help me through the relationship I am dealing with in my life. He challenged me over and over again to find ways for us to be in relationship. I took away so much about letting go, being assertive, boundaries, and asking for help when I need it. The workshop was even more than I expected!”
Debbie, homemaker
“At Stand InBalance, I learned that I have trouble ‘demanding’ my needs by verbalizing what I need at a specific time or during an emotional state that may be uncomfortable. This workshop was beneficial in allowing myself to stay present and grounded. It allowed me to “tune in” to my senses. I was able to identify feelings of unease in order to overcome and move past that emotional state.”
“The Authenticity workshop was an amazing experience I would recommend to all people - It will be life changing! Prior to the workshop, I was feeling lost and really needed to find myself after going through some career changes and marital problems. Talking in the group and working with the horses got me in touch with my assertiveness and helped me to ground myself and learn to trust myself more. Finding myself in this way, gave me the courage not to be afraid in my relationships with others. I received powerful and unexpected lessons from the workshop. I learned I can lean in to my leadership gifts and use my energies wisely and that it’s not a performance, it’s a process”
Stephanie, Adult Educator
“I came to the workshop at Stand InBalance because I noticed I was always trying to avoid what felt like confrontation to me. I found myself people pleasing and had difficulty saying no. In working with the horses, I got to experience my leadership as strong, assertive, effective and focused on the goal in the moment.”
Anne-Katherine, Corporate Professional
“The retreat was enriching and supportive, and I learned the importance of teamwork and listening. The themes of feminine energy, congruence, and inner self-confidence were exactly what I hoped to experience in my time at the ranch.”
Elsa, Executive
“For me, the activities we did with the horses, brought me into the moment and connected me to the whole group. I learned to pay attention to my feelings and to stick with it and I left the ranch with the intention of continuing to carry the feeling of being connected.”
Jeff, Fitness Coach
“I came to Stand InBalance for more insight into myself and for tools to change self-defeating behaviors and beliefs. The workshop was insightful and life changing. I allowed myself to feel what I am feeling and learned to release tension.”
Cindy, Program Coordinator
“I highly recommend this excellent workshop. ‘People pleasing’ has been a lifelong problem for me and I came hoping for some new tools to help me in this area. I received gentle guidance to experience the energy within me and was reminded that I do have what it takes to live life. I’m enough. Nothing is lacking.”
Kathy, artist