Equine Assisted Psychotherapy for Recovery

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy for Recovery
Partnering With You To Accelerate Your Clients' Progress
Our Equine Assisted Healing (EAH) program for mental health and substance abuse recovery is specifically designed to help clients integrate the tools they are learning in treatment though experiential learning and psychotherapy. We provide adjunctive groups, as well as customized sessions for individuals, couples and families.
Because horses & donkeys are completely authentic and non-judgmental, individuals in recovery are able to quickly develop a trusting relationship, increasing their ability to learn and change. The feedback from the equines combined with skilled intervention from our psychotherapists helps clients overcome trauma, distinguish between healthy and harmful behaviors, and learn positive ways to express and assert themselves.
“It’s one thing to know I have the tools I need for change— it’s another to actually put them into use!”
Stand InBalance professionals design experiential activities that parallel challenges in life and recovery and our herd of horses and donkeys provide participants with immediate feedback about what is working for them and what is not.
No horse experience is necessary.
As an adjunctive program, we work with your team and encourage your clients to take their EAH experience back to their primary treatment – maximizing it’s application in life and recovery.

Areas that are commonly addressed include:
- Coping Skills
- Boundaries
- Assertiveness
- Trust
- Powerlessness
- Mindfulness
- Frustration tolerance
- Relationship dynamics
Our recovery groups typically meet for 2 hours, but can be customized to meet your needs – contact us for more information.