Chapter 28 – Tao Te Ching

“Know that you possess the strong 
masculine principle [yang], yet abide
 by the meek feminine principle [yin].
  Thus, become the flowing stream
 of the world.

As the flowing stream of the world,
never swerve from your true nature.  
In this way, you return to the absolute
 integrity of a newborn babe.

Know the bright, yet keep to the dark.  
Never wavering from truth, you will
 conform to the pattern of an absolute
In this way, you return again to the

Know how to be honored and glorified,
 yet maintain unadorned plainness.
 Thus become the abundant valley of the 

As the abundant valley of the world,
 you realize the sufficiency of the
 constant virtue of the universe.
  In this way, you return to the original 
simplicity of an uncarved block.

When the uncarved block is shaped
 into useful tools and vessels, its original qualities are destroyed.
  An absolute being, by preserving the
 original qualities, becomes the
supreme ruler.
 This is called the great Oneness 
cannot be divided.”

Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu (translation by Master Ni, Hua Ching)

For more on horses and wisdom of the Tao see Linda Kohanov’s books:  The Tao of Equus and The Power of the Herd.

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