The Power of Perspective

The Power of PerspectiveAlex (35), was considering going home for the holidays for the first time in several years.  Her biggest concern was how difficult it was to be around her father.  Early on in her sessions at Stand InBalance she’d identified one of the horses as being just like her father: “a mean, self-centered bully.” She often wanted to connect with this horse but ended up being tense and angry around him.  She stated, “I can not accomplish anything with that horse, I’m sick of him!”

After a few weeks, the therapist asked Alex to pause and observe the horses in the arena. She encouraged Alex to center herself in the present moment and shift her perspective of each horse to see if she noticed anything new or became aware of another […]

Leadership and the Way of the Horse: The Call to Leadership

“Sooner or later something seems to call us onto a particular path….This is what I must do, this is what I’ve got to have. This is who I am.” ~ James Hillman

leadershipThere are many forms, styles and manifestations of leaders and leadership. From the home to the boardroom, from co-workers to family members, each system requires a certain type of leader, and each individual has their own unique way of harnessing and utilizing their inner leadership qualities.  This article addresses the inner leader; the leader that resides in each of us.  Often it is lying dormant and seizes us when we least expect it, sending out a call – a moment, or a chapter in one’s life that instigates the leader within to awaken and answer the call to leadership.

In The Soul’s […]

Self-Mastery & Equanimity

“The most effective leader relinquishes the ambition to master others in favor of mastering herself”. ~ Linda Kohanov, Way of the Horse

Leadership comes in all different shapes, sizes, and types and is an important skill for all areas of life.  At Stand InBalance, we believe that true leadership starts with ourselves.  Whether we are with family, friends, co-workers, or running a company, the first order of business is self-mastery.  When we have self-awareness and the ability to regulate our own emotional states we are able to engage with authenticity and communicate effectively and lovingly – even under times of stress.

Self-Mastery & EquanimityFor both humans and horses, equanimity in stressful circumstances is an essential leadership skill.  Equanimity is a state of mental calmness, composure and evenness of temper.  The Buddha  spoke […]

Horses & Mindfulness

“One is confident when present in the body, present in the moment, filled out to the edges, connected to and able to take action toward what is of most concern.” ~ Denise Benson in Strozzi-Heckler

In this day an age of the faster the better, of workaholics, of new technology every minute, of traffic, deadlines, and most importantly productivity… when do we humans get to stop and ask ourselves “how am I feeling?”  Or when making decisions, how often do we stop and check in to see what our “gut” or instinct is saying? We spend so much time in our heads, and are doing, doing, doing without taking a moment to stop and just “Be”. Sometimes the most effective way to get things done is to get out of our heads and drop into our bodies. Through bodily awareness we can access our ancient instinctual wisdom to help us navigate […]

Horse Wisdom for the Holidays

Family at HolidayWhile the holidays bring opportunities to reconnect with loved ones and share family traditions, stressful family dynamics can wreak havoc and be anything but joyful!  Holding onto an abundance mindset can especially difficult when triggered by family dynamics.

So, how do you keep from being pulled into the vortex of family drama and old feelings?  Of course there is no easy answer, but the natural wisdom of horses can help us learn to center ourselves and tap into our wisdom rather than becoming caught in the storm of anger, hurt, or shame.

Horses RunningAs prey animals, horses are acutely aware of their environment and quickly react to things that disrupt their sense of safety. When they are […]