Why Creativity?

Creativity is a central component of engagement with our equine partners and the key to any successful business.  But creativity isn’t just for artists, CEO’s, and organizations, it also has numerous benefits for daily living.

“Generating new ideas is not just a chance process… It does not happen to people who are not curious or inquiring or who are not engaged in a hard search for opportunities, possibilities, answers or inventions.”1

In our work with the horses we always say “there is no right or wrong, there is no failure, there is only the opportunity to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.”

Creativity means taking risks…you have to be willing to do something that doesn’t work before you hit on something that does.

As Thomas Edison said after […]

Balance for the Holidays – Tips from the Herd

At Stand InBalance we know that our equine herd has a lot of wisdom to share; so we decided to ask them for some tips on navigating the challenges of the holidays.


Below is what they had to say about creating more joy, dealing with family dynamics, and helping kids cope with the demands of the holidays.



SIB: How can folks kick up their heels when they really don’t feel like it?

Condina: Don’t get stuck on how the holidays are supposed to be and how you are supposed to feel.  Focus on what feels good to you and take each day as it comes. Don’t get caught up in unrealistic expectations.

Lucius: Be playful and do something different!  […]

The Freedom of Forgiveness

Horses are amazingly resilient and very forgiving.  Watch a herd for any period of time and you’ll see that just like any other social group they have their share of skirmishes and disagreements, yet they quickly let it go, re-connect as a herd, and move on with the business at hand.

Success StoriesIn contrast, for us humans, letting go and moving forward can be extremely challenging.  Whether we have experienced a bruised ego or a serious physical or emotional violation, learning how to let go of resentment and anger is essential for our physical and emotional well-being.

Virtually everyone has experienced being hurt by the words or actions of another.  Maybe you were bullied at school, had a colleague sabotage a work project, or your spouse betrayed you.  When we have been […]

Why Equines

thundering hooves

The horse “flies across the landscape with thundering hooves as if to run out of its own skin for the love of freedom.” (The Book of Symbols)

Equines* have an evolutionary history dating back 50 million years, and ancient cave paintings indicate that these magnificent beings have been important to humans ever since the Stone Age. Through our travels, wars, adventures, and conquests, they have been alongside us each step of the way.  Today, they not only partner with us in sport and recreation, they are also our partners in emotional growth and healing. In fact, horses and donkeys have a great deal to teach us about modern living and how we can become our best selves.

Equine Assisted Healing for Trauma

Equine Assisted Healing for TraumaEmotional and psychological trauma is caused by an extraordinarily stressful event that leaves one feeling vulnerable and helpless.  It can result from combat trauma, or a single incident such as a car accident or assault, or it can be insidious and complex – building up over the course of time.

Most people are aware of severely traumatic experiences such as child abuse, sexual assault, war, or domestic violence.  However, trauma can also result from incidents such as loss of a pet, a fall, surgery, ongoing social stigma, a relationship breakup, or loss of a job.  Regardless of the type, trauma violates one’s sense of Self and safety in the world.  This traumatic breach of emotional and/or physical safety overwhelms an individual’s coping abilities and results in […]