How to have the Courage to Move past your Fears!

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Nelson Mandela

What is Courage?

knight-930817_960_720When we think of someone brave or courageous, often we picture a fearless adventurer or an unshakable warrior. We imagine that it is so easy for this type of person to act courageously, with no fears to hold them back. But the truth is, COURAGE is what helps us overcome and move past our fears, not the absence of fear. Being courageous doesn’t mean that we don’t have any fears, it means that we act in spite of our fear. Even the strongest looking warrior on the outside, has their own fears to […]

How to find your FLOW

 Alessandro_Gentile-9719 WM“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Remember being a little kid and the self-created games you used to play – like avoiding the cracks in the pavement or hopping from tile to tile?  Such satisfaction and joy we found in these endeavors, our minds fully focused on the task at hand. For the moment, it was the only thing we noticed as the rest of the world fell away and we became fully absorbed […]

An Athlete Finds Flow by Going Beyond the Physical

Jared*, a 26 year old elite athlete, knew he needed to strengthen his ability to block out distractions and connect with flow in order to achieve the level of success he wanted.  I thought, who better than the 4-leggeds to help him practice getting into flow.  Upon entering the arena, Jared was immediately drawn to the large female donkey and before long the two were easily moving in sync.  However, as soon as Jared labeled where he was going as “winning a medal,” the donkey stopped moving and firmly planted her feet. Jared was confused. When I asked him what he was aware of thinking and feeling, Jared stated that he felt “confident” and that nothing had changed in his thoughts or energy. Yet, the donkey […]

How to find your INNER WISDOM and let it be your guide in 5 steps.

be wise be happyWhat is Inner Wisdom? Within each of us is an inherent knowing that, if we allow it, will guide us to our own happiness. The trouble is, this inner knowing, wisdom, or intuition, is often covered up by louder interjections and contributions from the outside world, combined with inner self-talk, that masquerades as our wisdom. Don’t be fooled! Read on to learn how to find and follow your INNER WISDOM to a place of happiness, peace & authentic confidence!

Step 1: Be still & listen within – let go of outside influences! How can you possibly hear your inner wisdom if there is too much noise coming at you from […]

How to Say what you mean and Mean what you say – Tips for clear communication.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” ― George Bernard Shaw

discussion between horsesWe all know how important communication is, but despite being aware of this fact, good communication can be hard to come by. For many, communicating needs and feelings is uncomfortable or even scary depending on the circumstances. Others may think that they are communicating clearly but find that they aren’t getting the results they should with clear communication. Sometimes emotion gets in the way and we forget how to communicate entirely!  Strong, clear, engaging communication not only strengthens relationships and helps create more harmony, it allows us, the communicators, to feel heard. A sense of freedom and openness comes with effective communicating, leading to an overall sense of greater satisfaction, confidence and joy.

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