All Stand InBalance team members agree to participate in and contribute to the following:

•    An environment of Respect, Safety, Equity, and Trust for all participants, both people and equines.  We strive to engender an environment of respect and safety where all participants trust that they can speak freely and where individual boundaries are honored. We use our skills, knowledge, tools, and wisdom to elicit and honor the perspectives of all.

•    The utilization of an Introspective, Experiential Approach to growth and learning in collaboration with horses.

•   A culture of Collaboration through sharing of information, experience and ideas.

Standards of Excellence for the delivery of all Stand InBalance programs. We are each responsible for the continuous improvement of our facilitation skills and knowledge.  We continuously learn and grow.  We seek opportunities to improve our knowledge and facilitation skills to better assist those we work with.  We remain current in the field of facilitation through our professional associations and ongoing personal development.  We offer our skills within a spirit of collaboration to develop our professional work practices.

•    The maintenance of the Highest Ethical Standards and Professionalism in the EAP & EAL field.  We will follow the principles of the EAGALA Code of Ethics and all therapists will follow the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association, and/or those of their licensing board.