6 Practical Tricks to Stay Focused at Work

Trying to stay focused at work can be a tedious task, especially when we are constantly surrounded by distractions that are competing for our attention. We can’t avoid every distraction the world tries to throw at us, but we can do our best to minimize how those distractions affect our productivity.

Keeping distractions at bay is good for getting more done, but it can also help you feel less overwhelmed when you have a lot to do. There are a few easy ways that you can help to maximize productivity and minimize distraction:

1. Break it Down
Breaking things down into chunks or segments can help make tasks more manageable. You can use these segments to set smaller goals and reward yourself accordingly.  Taking physical breaks is an important part of working efficiently — once you reach a smaller goal, take a short break and move on to the next task. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment throughout the day and it’ll help to keep you more organized.

2. Make a To-Do List
Actually writing out a to-do list instead of just keeping it in your head is a great way to organize your thoughts. Trying to remember all of the things you need to do can keep you from focusing on the tasks at hand. Writing tasks down in a list will help put those thoughts to rest and allow you to devote all of your attention to what you’re working on.

3. Turn Alerts and Notifications Off
Sometimes avoiding distractions is as easy as not seeing them! Turning notifications or alerts off will take away the urge to pick up your phone every time you get a call or notification.

4. Block Distracting Websites
Some people prefer to actually block distracting websites on their computer during certain times of the day—meaning they can’t actually access them at all—so they can stay focused on their work. This is especially helpful if you feel like you get distracted by checking social media often!

5. E-Mails Can Wait
Often, we feel obligated to reply to e-mails or messages as soon as we receive them. Most of the time, these things can wait! You can set aside time to check and reply to emails (for example, after finishing certain tasks) instead of stopping in the middle to reply. It’s much easier to do it all at once instead of having to re-organize your thoughts after every interruption.

6. Stay Organized
A lot of these tips are part of a larger theme—staying organized! Taking the time to organize your tasks and organize your thoughts is the most helpful way to stay focused on what you want to accomplish.

Keeping yourself focused when you want to get work done, whether you’re going into the office or working from home, is the best way to raise your productivity and make sure you reach your goals.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateashford/2017/10/29/focus/#2bfe0a8f3e26

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