Meet Our Herd
Here’s a brief intro to the people and equines that make Teams InBalance tick.
Vallerie Coleman, PsyD, PhD
Founder + Facilitator
Dr. Coleman is a psychologist with over 25 years experience. She is certified by the Equine Experiential Education Association and the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association. Val has combined her expertise in group dynamics, and systems with her love and respect for horses — maximizing the powerful capacity equines have to help facilitate human growth and development. She was a guest expert on the Dr. Phil Show and has been on faculty at Loyola Marymount University, Antioch University, and the Newport Psychoanalytic Institute. Val became interested in horses and their natural talent to help us when she left her life in the city to pursue her childhood passion of rural living with horses. After experiencing the transformative power of Equine Assisted Learning, she became passionate utilizing this modality to help individuals and organizations reach their full potential. 

Amy Hill
Director + Facilitator
Amy is a workplace consultant and an Equine Experiential Education Certified Practitioner. Bringing 20 years of corporate consulting experience to the table, Amy is passionate about making workplaces work better through optimizing both behaviors and space. Her undergraduate degree is in Interior Design, and she is currently pursuing her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Through her own work with horses, she has witnessed and personally experienced transformational change. She is the proud sponsor of a rescue horse, Kahu, and to this day she’s not sure who rescued who.
Our team of 4-leggeds works just as hard as we do!