Balance in the Workplace

Finding some semblance of balance in our lives is often challenging.  We can find ourselves juggling deadlines at work, social and personal commitments, and self-care. Somehow, self-care frequently falls off our radar. Before you know it, you’re running in the hamster wheel at full sprint, trying not to fall off. The New Year brings with it a chance to reassess our patterns and habits. What would it look like if we were keeping the wheel moving smoothly and steadily, instead of the wheel running us?

Take the long view. Our priorities shift from day to day, week to week, month to month. We may have a deadline at work that requires us to work some extra hours in the evenings or over a weekend. There’s nothing wrong with […]

Self-Care in the Workplace

DeathtoStock_Wired7Most people think of self-care as something you do before or after work.  But considering how many hours we spend at work, our well-being and the health of our relationships require that we also practice professional self-care.  This is important at all levels of business and studies have shown that when leaders practice and promote health, authenticity and self-care there is a positive impact on the bottom line. The effects are cumulative, so one small change, such as actually taking a relaxing lunch break, creates positive momentum.  Read on for 7 steps to better self-care at work.    This starter list, created by Dana Gionta, Ph.D., of 7 recommended steps to better self-care at work can be applied in any order:   #1. Set and maintain professional boundaries.  This includes respectfully setting limits […]

5 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in the Workplace

According to a survey of 2,000 Americans, people are less likely to feel or express gratitude at work than anyplace else, despite the fact that 93% agreed that grateful bosses are more likely to succeed, and most reported that hearing “thank you” at work made them feel good and motivated.  A paycheck is only one of the motivations we bring to work. We don’t just work for money. We also work for respect, a sense of accomplishment, a feeling of purpose, and more. Gratitude is a non-monetary way to support those non-monetary motivations. “Thank you” doesn’t cost a dime, and it has measurable benefits. Building a culture of gratitude at work may not be easy, but it is worth it.

Here are five research-tested tips for fostering gratitude on the job:   #1 – Start at the top: This is one of the clearest takeaways from research into workplace gratitude: […]

A Mindful Workplace

The number of yoga practitioners in the US has increased by 80% since 2012, according to a study conducted by the Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance in 2016. Wisdom 2.0 hosts summits that bring together business leaders, politicians, celebrities and advocates for social change by “creating gatherings for those passionate about living with greater mindfulness, meaning, and wisdom in our modern age.” It seems that American society is embracing the concept of mindfulness. How are we embracing it in the workplace, if at all?

Often times in our workplaces we are trying to do more with less, faster and more profitably than we did before. It’s no wonder that we are challenged with staying focused on the present moment with deadlines and quarterly sales goals looming over us. […]

Joy in the Workplace?

Joy. It’s not necessarily a word that people think of synonymously with the word “workplace”. For the purposes of this article, we are going to use the word joy as defined by Merriam-Webster, “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires”. Why wouldn’t we want that in the workplace, considering that we spend about 1/3 of our waking hours there?

And then there’s the number one killer of joy in the workplace – fear. Have you ever worked somewhere where you felt your every action was scrutinized, you were in a state of constant worry over keeping your job, or where you were openly reprimanded? These are all symptoms of fear-based workplace cultures, also known as joy-killing environments. […]