We offer a fast-track to change –
one you’ll never see happen in a typical classroom or meeting-based setting.
Imagine a workplace environment of increased trust, creative problem solving skills, and social cohesion — resulting in optimal individual performance, team performance and organizational results.
Getting out of the office and into a natural setting with horses creates an atmosphere that strengthens and deepens team bonds.
At Teams InBalance, expert facilitators create enjoyable, meaningful leadership and team experiences that will have direct and immediate application in your workplace.
The team building retreat was an incredible experience. The use of horses as an insight to personal behavior is a powerful tool. The team is very well trained and guided us well. I will be able to use what I have learned back in the work place and be more aware of how I interact with my colleagues.
–Michael, Chief Science Officer

Leadership + Team Development
Excellent leaders and high-performing teams are essential for organizational health and success. Our interactive experiential leadership and team development programs are designed to help participants leverage strengths, identify and overcome challenges, and enhance the social and emotional intelligence required to become more effective, self-aware, and accountable. Through participation in our expertly designed activities participants have a safe space to learn about themselves and others.

Why Horses?
As prey animals, horses naturally excel at picking up and responding to human’s non-verbal communication and intention. They show us what effective leadership/teamwork is and what it is not. Because they provide instantaneous, accurate and non-judgmental feedback, results go far beyond traditional team building experiences. Our facilitators help participants translate the metaphorical learning into immediate results that you can take back to your workplace.