Cultivating Creativity through your 5 senses

The key to Creativity lies in our ability to gain from experience and build connections to generate new energy & ideas.  If we are mindful of all of our five senses – sight, sound, touch, scent and taste – we can use them to our advantage to stimulate our minds and spark more creativity.  Horses are masters of the senses and they have a lot to teach us about how we can be more attuned to ourselves and the environment around us.  For instance, by learning how to have the “soft eye” of a horse, we gain a wider perspective and can see and experience our environs in new ways.  Successful interaction with horses depends on our ability to slow down and connect with awareness — awareness of them, ourselves, our surroundings, and the nature of our relationship.  Through participating in activities with equines, we can expand our experience, heighten our senses, and Harness […]

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Why Creativity?

Creativity is a central component of engagement with our equine partners and the key to any successful business.  But creativity isn’t just for artists, CEO’s, and organizations, it also has numerous benefits for daily living.

“Generating new ideas is not just a chance process… It does not happen to people who are not curious or inquiring or who are not engaged in a hard search for opportunities, possibilities, answers or inventions.”1

In our work with the horses we always say “there is no right or wrong, there is no failure, there is only the opportunity to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.”

Creativity means taking risks…you have to be willing to do something that doesn’t work before you hit on something that does.

As Thomas Edison said after […]

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